Grandparents' Day is May 10

Veritas News
We look forward to welcoming our grandparents to campus on Friday, May 10! The schedule for the day is below. Please note that Grandparents' Day is a formal uniform day for all students. 
8:30 AM | Welcome Tent Opens
9:00 - 10:00 AM | Upper School Classroom Visits
9:40 - 9:50 AM | Veritas Grandparents in Prayer Opportunity
10:00 - 10:45 AM | Grandparents' Day Program
10:45 AM - Noon | Grandparent Social on the Quad, Art Gallery, and Field Tours
11:00 - Noon | Lower School Classroom Visits
Noon | Student Dismissal
On Grandparents' Day, we will have a few modifications to our usual procedures in order to accommodate our guests. Additional information will be available in the next Lion's Roar, but we want to make sure that the following is on your radar. 
At arrival, please note that the Westwood Avenue parking lot is not available for drop-off (please use carline drop-off).  
At dismissal, all students will be dismissed at noon. Lower School students will be dismissed from classrooms, without carline or front porch pick-up (white cone dismissal will be available as usual for those who walk or bike). A Lower School student may be dismissed to a grandparent as long as a parent has emailed the teacher in advance. If a student is not being released to a grandparent, a parent or another approved adult should plan to park and walk to the classroom to pick them up.